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June 21st (11am):  We are now told that an even newer update is available.  We have downloaded
it, but are told not to update our transcoders until we are briefed by one of their engineers.  However,
it should, we are told, fix the lip-sync issues that we would have used the manual adjustments for (as
noted below).  With luck, we can apply it this weekend, or sometime next week.  We will keep you

June 21st: After testing the new transcoder firmware for several days, this morning all our transcoders
were upgraded. We started at 3:40 am, and all was completed by 7am.

The wandering sound issue seems now to be a thing of the past.

There are still some tiny lip-sync issues, but we have an adjustment (in milliseconds) for that. We think we
have them all running at acceptable levels, and will work on improving them over the coming days & weeks.
This work is slow and subjective. Each change interrupts service on that channel for 10 to 20 seconds, so
we will be making these adjustments on only one channel on any given day, and always between 4 & 7 am,
so as to interrupt as few viewers as possible.

It has been a long slog, for you, for us, for the support people in South Dakota and their engineers.

But, is is an entirely new system, and it has taken considerable time and a great deal of effort, to get it right.
For this we can only apologize, and thank you all, for your patience and understanding.

Thanks for reading.
