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If  (and only if)  you live in Logan Lake,
please take our 4 minute survey...

We want to bring Logan Lake the best TV service possible. That means having the channels that
most people want to watch.  We last ran a survey back in 2011.  So, we've designed a new one,
to fit the times. It should take you less than 4 minutes, and it will help us determine what we do,
over the next few of years.

No matter how you answer, you'll not see any changes for a while.  Your volunteers have
their hands more than full, with the coming change from MP2 to MP4, though that change
should be transparent to you. When that is done, we will look at what has been requested
and then add all that we can, depending on which channels are most (or least) watched,
any requirments of the CRTC, the costs and, of course, the available bandwidth.

You will note that we have only offered limited choices for channel expansion.  Those choices
are based on the most requested channels from the 2011 survey - after allowing for those we
have already added.  We have not put a place for "other", for when we did that, back in 2011,
we had a full page of channels, each wanted by only one person!  That did not help us
determine what most people want so, this time, we've kept it simple.

Please! Do NOT put links to our survey on Facebook, or ask your out-of-town friends to
complete the survey
.  As of 4pm, Jan 14th,  26% of respondents are out of the area - from Burnaby, Clinton, 70 Mile, Creston, Kelowna ...  a few as far away as Mexico and Thailand!  If this continues,
the results will be useless.  In that case, we will
have no choice but to ignore the survey and simply
do what we think is best.

Please answer honestly and with care.  Remember that the system will allow you only one
chance.  You cannot take the survey a second time, in order to correct your choices.

To take our Survey, please click here.  We thank you for your time and kind cooperation.