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May 10th: First of all, the American NOAA has issued a rare solar storm warning – the first in 20 years. Our sun has
produced solar flares up to 16 times the size of our earth, resulting in outbursts of plasma capable of disrupting communications satellites in space and power grids on earth. These may affect our TV signals between now and Monday morning.

The good part of these flares, is that they may produce Northern lights visible as far south as Alabama.
So, worth looking up, the next few nights!

Secondly, as everyone is aware, we are struggling with two issues since the change to HEVC occurred at the end of February.
One is the wandering sound sync, on some channels, the other is the frequent loss of some other channels in 4 minute
sessions. Without going into all the technical details, suffice it to say we hope to have am additional transcoder by the end of
next week. This will allow us to spread the load between multiple transcoders, which should stop the transcoders from
overloading and then rebooting, which is what causes the roughly 4 minute outages, each time they reset.

For the wandering sound issue, we are awaiting a firmware update from the transcoder’s manufacturer. They are working on
this at their highest propriety, as it is affecting small systems, like ours, across North America. This is promised “soon”, but
we do not know exactly when.

Thanks for reading.
